Since it was founded in 2003, State-of-the-Arts Gallery has organized numerous exhibitions, charity functions and special events for an array of artists worldwide. It started with promoting Austrian arts with more than twelve contracted artists. In several years of time, the Gallery has rapidly established itself as a contemporary international fine arts gallery featuring artists from countries across continents: from Austria to other parts of Europe like France and England; and from Australia to remote Latin American countries including Mexico, Chile and Columbia. The Gallery offers purchase, lease, or commission for a variety of artwork including paintings, sculptures, artistic photographs and glassware. All artworks are selected within the parameter of high quality and collection value. Selected works share the common characteristics of conceptual originality, thematic consistency, and refinement in techniques as sharing the artists’ self-cultivation and philosophy of art has always been our priority aim at promoting commercial art.
State-of-the-Arts畫廊自2003年成立,為世界各地的藝術家在本港組織過無數展覽、慈善活動和特別項目多達五十次以上。畫廊一開始以推廣奥地利藝術為主,已擁有超過12個合約畫家、雕塑家。在短短幾年內,迅速發展成一間獨當一面的當代國際藝術畫廊,發掘表現各地風俗色彩的藝術品:從奥地利到其他歐洲國家如法國、英國等; 從澳洲延伸至北美洲和一些遙遠的南美洲國家,如墨西哥、智利、哥倫比亞等。畫廊提供不同系列的畫、雕塑、藝術照片、玻璃等各種藝術品的購買、租借和訂造服務。畫廊內的所有藝術展品都經過精心挑選,以確保展出的作品無論在概念的原創性、主題的連貫性和技巧的精煉度上都達到一定水準、貫轍始終。正正表達了她在推廣商業藝術的同時,始終以分享畫家個人的藝術修養和哲理為首要的考慮。